boiler pipe

Boiler tube is open on both ends and has a hollow section, the length and the surrounding of the larger steel, according to the production methods can be divided into seamless steel pipe and welded steel pipe, steel pipe specification with overall dimensions (such as the diameter or length) and the wall thickness, said its size range is very wide, from small diameter capillary until several meters in diameter, large diameter pipe.

Steel tubes can be used for piping, thermal equipment, machinery industry, petroleum geological exploration, containers, chemical industry and special purposes.

(1) High quality carbon structural steel steel 20G, 20MnG, 25MnG.

(2) Alloy structure steel 15MoG, 20MoG, 12CrMoG, 15CrMoG, 12Cr2MoG, 12CrMoVG, 12Cr3MoVSiTiB, etc.

Boiler tube is divided into two categories :GB/T3087-2018 middle and low pressure boiler tube, GB/T5310-2018 high pressure boiler tube. Our main products include:

ASTMA210(A10M)-2012 Medium carbon steel boiler and superheater seamless steel pipe, the main material is SA210 GrA1,SA210GrC;

ASME SA106/SA-106M-2015, the main materials are GR.B gr.C;

ASME/SA SA – 213-213 – m, common alloy material: T11, T12, T22 and T23, T91, P92, T5, T5b, T9, T21, T22, T17;

ASTM A335 / A335M – 2018, the main materials are: P11, P12, P22, P5, P9, P23, P91, P92, P2, etc.
