2019 Year-end Summary Conference of Sanon Pipe was successfully held

Summary: The 2020 year-end summary and new year party of Tianjin Sanon Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd. was successfully held.

On January 17th, warm sun was shining in the cold wind, and in the Xiqing District of Tianjin City, the 2019 year-end work summary conference and new year welcome party that been prepared for a long time were officially held. The conference included speeches by company leaders, annual reports and work summaries of leaders and employees, commendation of outstanding employees, company dinners, and art performances. During the conference, there was applause and laughter, and the whole room was in the atmosphere of happy and cheer.

In addition to the wise decision-making and leadership of leaders at the strategic level, it is also inseparable from the hard work and selfless dedication of all employees that make Sanon Pipe got today’s achievements. Also because of their presence, Sanon Pipe will surely achieve goals one by one and finally realize the company’s vision of becoming a world-renowned pipeline solution provider.

In order to commend and motivate the company’s employees for year’s work, company specially awarded honorary certificates and prizes to outstanding employees and excellent teams. With the company’s approval and glory, the positive people in the future will definitely work harder to climb the peak.