Knowledge of Steel Pipe (Part Three)

1.1 Standard classification used for steel pipes:

     1.1.1 By region

  (1) Domestic standards: national standards, industry standards, corporate standards

  (2) International standards:

        United States: ASTM, ASME

        United Kingdom: BS

        Germany: DIN

        Japan: JIS

     1.1.2 Divided by purpose: product standard, product inspection standard, raw material standard

1.2 The main content of the product standard includes the following:

      Scope of application

 Size, shape and weight (specification, deviation, length, curvature, ovality, delivery weight, marking)

 Technical requirements: (chemical composition, delivery status, mechanical properties, surface quality, etc.)

 experiment method

 testing regulations

 Packaging, labeling and quality certificate

1.3 Marking: there should be spray printing, stamping, roller printing, steel stamping or sticking stamp on the end of each steel pipe

    The logo should include the steel grade, product specification, product standard number, and supplier’s logo or registered trademark

    Each bundle of steel pipes packed in bundles (each bundle should have the same batch number) should have no less than 2 signs, and the signs should indicate: supplier’s trademark, steel brand, furnace number, batch number, contract number, product specification , Product standard, weight, number of pieces, date of manufacture, etc.


   1.4 Quality Certificate: The delivered steel pipe must have a material certificate that complies with the contract and product standards, including:

    Supplier’s name or imprint

    Buyer’s name

    Delivery date

    Contract No

    Product standards

    Steel grade

    Heat number, batch number, delivery status, weight (or number of pieces) and number of pieces

    Variety name, specification and quality grade

    Various inspection results specified in the product standard